Be like Yoda

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Visit these sites and revel in their gloriousness-ocity. Then return here, to satisfy your hunger for more made up words.

Web Cartoons

Daily cartoon drawings by a guy named Drew. Possibly my favorite website. Also has old cartoon archives, his music, and merchandise.
Achewood. Another funny cartoon. Check out the archives to understand the characters.
Ctrl-Alt-Del. The lives of roommates who eat, sleep, and breathe video games. Yar, 'tis be the life. Spend hours going through these cartoons as well.

Animation/Video Sites

Websites for the high-bandwidthed

Homestar Runner. One word cannot describe how humorous these cartoons are. Yet two words would distract you and delay your visiting the site yourself. I must make some sort of hybrid word to solve this dilemma. Juevecilia. Go to the site.
Spinnerdisc.Clever and well-made animations. Check out the Comfort Eagle music video and the Tiny Plaid Ninjas cartoon.
Albino Black Sheep. A motley assortment of video/flash riffraff.
Ebaum's World. Less motley, decent assortment, but just as much riffraff. Very similar to ABS and just as funny.

Miscellaneous Sites

These are various sites that I frequent for various reasons. Stop the questioning, I will say no more.

BeetleJz. A site of choice for any diehard RTCW gamers. Forums, downloads, and weird members keep levels of gawking high. Perhaps too high.
USI Psychology. The homepage of my calling (and major).

More Web Cartoons

Just found these cartoons recently.

VG Cats. Cartoons starring cats and video games. Mindbogglingly brilliant combination.
Nuklear Power. Sprite comics. Not the beverage. Very funny.
Natalie Dee
Drew's wife, odd comics but funny nonetheless
Wapsi Square
I really like the characters and storyline.
Sam and Fuzzy
One of my personal favorites, a black and white about a cab driver and his sociopathic teddy bear friend.
Questionable Content
Indie rock lovers live in an apartment and drop much innuendo. What's not to love?
Checkerboard Nightmare
Self-aware, self promoting web comic character! Entertaining 4th-wall breakage by Christopher Straub.
Starshift Crisis
Sci-fi comic by Christopher Straub. No 4th-wall smashing but possibly better than Nightmare.
Penny Arcade
The one web comic every gamer has to read. Read or face shunning!
A newer comic, interesting concept that merits a link.
White Ninja
White Ninja the comic cannot be described because White Ninja the character is different every strip. Entertainment ninja-style.
Perry Bible Fellowship
One of my favorite new finds. Grim, sarcastic humor. In short, hilarious.